Let's unlock the Mysteries of Lion's Mane

More Than Just a Mushroom

Let’s Unlock the Mysteries of Lion’s Mane

465 Words | 2.5 Minute Read

Hey Brain Battery Tribe,

Last time we talked, we scratched the surface of the remarkable Lion's Mane mushroom.

Incase you missed it, check out my longform tweet here.

Today, you and I are going to dive a bit deeper on the technical side and address some key concerns you would likely have if you wanted to start taking this mushroom.

Let’s dive right in!

High Quality vs. Low Quality Supplements & Best Form

Navigating the world of supplements can be a maze. Trust me- I know. It’s precisely why I’m creating my own 3rd party, quality assured, supplement brand.

With Lion's Mane- quality is going to be key.

But what exactly is high quality Lion’s Mane?

High-quality LM supplements are usually extracted from the fruiting body of the mushroom. This is because the fruiting body is rich in beta-glucans, the active compounds that give Lion’s Mane its magical abilities.

Low-quality versions often use the mycelium (mushroom's root system) grown on grain, which dilutes the potency.

Always check the label for extraction methods and the part of the mushroom used. Here’s a picture example:

High Quality Label:

Low Quality Label:

Always be selective about the supplements you choose. Companies will never cease to use deceptive marketing practices to try to get you to purchase their brand.

In this realm- knowledge is truly power. And that’s why I want to make you more knowledgeable.

Optimal Frequency

How often should you take Lion's Mane?

Consistency is vital for this supplement. 

Daily intake, as per the recommended dosage on your supplement, offers cumulative benefits. You’ll likely see a spike in focus not long after taking it- especially if you take Lion’s Mane fasted. I typically pair mine with a cup of black coffee- and my focus is truly next level.

However- for more of the health benefits- it won’t be a quick fix but a gradual enhancement of your cognitive and digestive health.

Duration of Use

Just like me- think of Lion’s Mane as a trusted friend, it is here for the long haul.

Some studies suggest continued use over months brings the most significant improvements, especially in cognitive function. However- as with all supplements- it is good to take breaks every now and again.

My recommendation?

Take Lion’s Mane for 3 months straight. Be very purposeful in your supplementation. Then- take a month off- and continue this 3-1 cycle.

However, if you notice that the benefits of Lion’s Mane do not stop compounding or the break doesn’t magnify the effects- it should be safe to continue to take for a longer period.

Current research, from what I could find, found Lion’s Mane to be very safe and tolerable for 16 weeks- aka 4 months.

*As always, I am not a registered healthcare professional and consult with your doctor before taking any supplement.

Potential Dangers

Now that we addressed the duration of use- let's talk safety.

Lion's Mane is generally considered safe, with few reported side effects.

However, if you're allergic to mushrooms, please steer clear. And, as with any supplement, if you're on medication or have health concerns, a chat with your healthcare provider is a wise move.

Personal Experience

From personal experience, Lion's Mane was a game-changer.

I consider myself a relatively focused and motivated individual. Being able to sit down and be productive against my task list.

However- after taking Lion’s Mane for just a week- I noticed a significant spike in my ability to be creative and think through problems, as well as my discipline around all facets of my life.

The cognitive enhancement of this supplement was, and still is, very apparent to me.

And I hope that if you take it, it is apparent to you too!

Empower Your Health Journey

Remember tribe, at the end of the day, you're not just taking a supplement; you're investing in your health capital.

It's about making informed choices, embracing natural solutions, and taking control of your wellbeing.

So, here's to you, on your journey to peak mental clarity and health. Lion's Mane might just be the companion you need. Dive into the world of Lion's Mane, embrace its benefits, and feel the difference in your cognitive and digestive health.

It’s been a pleasure chatting with you today and I hope you stay tuned to this newsletter for more empowering health insights.

Together, let's unlock the full potential of our minds and bodies.

To a healthier, sharper you,

Tom - The Brain Battery